Daily Journal - 20240807


2 min read

โ˜€๏ธ AM

Fill this section first thing in the morning to set yourself up for success!

๐ŸŽฏ Goals

What are the top things you want to achieve today?

  1. Gaskeun jogging pagi

  2. Menyelesaikan backlog task kerjaan dan defect, nggak boleh numpuk!

  3. Pergi ke tempat service hp

๐Ÿ’š Feelings

How do you want to feel today? What kind of support do you need from others?

Pagi ini mood-nya on fire. Pengen menepati janji/rencana untuk jogging pagi. Yang penting hari ini bisa keep this energy sampe sore.

๐ŸŒŸ Expectations

What are you looking forward to most today?

Nggak sabar buat rasain angin pagi pas jogging. Terus, excited juga buat ngerjain task kantor. Feeling-nya bakal productive banget hari ini! dan energi sampe sore tetep menyala tidak loyo.


Fill this section in the evening to reflect on your day.

๐Ÿ’ญ Thoughts from the day

Share anything that stuck in your mind todayโ€”a conversation, a new idea, an observation, or anything else!

hari ini bener-bener produktif from dawn till dusk! Bangun subuh tuh emang game-changer banget ya. Langsung gas jogging, walau belum mandi.

๐Ÿ˜Œ Mindfulness

Share three things you're grateful forโ€”they can be big or small!

  • Badan yang fit, bisa jogging pagi tanpa drama

  • Otak yang on-point, bisa nyelesein task kantor dengan mulus

  • Bisa pergi ke service HP

Share one thing you're proudโ€”it can be something big or small!

Super bangga bisa konsisten bangun subuh dan jogging. Dulu cuma mimpi, sekarang jadi rutinitas!

Share one thing you'd like to do differently in the future.

Next time, mungkin bisa langsung mandi setelah jogging agar lebih fresh dan seger lagi ketika kerja seharian.

๐Ÿ’ก Inspiration

What inspired you today? It can be a quote, a photo, an article, or anything else!

Hari ini keinget sama quote, "The only bad workout is the one that didn't happen." Bener banget! Tadi pagi sempet mikir, "Ah, skip aja kali ya joggingnya." Eh, ternyata malah jadi penyemangat seharian.

Oke deh, besok pagi libur jogging. Tapi tetep harus bangun pagi! Mungkin bisa diganti sama stretching ringan atau meditasi. Yang penting keep the momentum. Let's go, besok kita taklukkan lagi!
