Daily Journal - 20240806


2 min read

β˜€οΈ AM

Fill this section first thing in the morning to set yourself up for success!

🎯 Goals

What are the top things you want to achieve today?

  1. Ngerjain task kerjaan utama (kantor)

  2. Nyisihin energi buat lanjutin web personal sore/malem

πŸ’š Feelings

How do you want to feel today? What kind of support do you need from others?

Pagi ini rasanya seger, kayak habis di-charge semalaman! Pengen banget bawa mood positif ini sampe sore.

Hari ini sih nggak butuh support khusus dari orang lain, cuma berharap universe ngasih vibes bagus aja buat stay productive.

🌟 Expectations

What are you looking forward to most today?

Nggak sabar nih buat ngeliat progress kerjaan hari ini. Feeling-nya bakal lancar jaya deh. Terus, excited juga buat lanjutin web personal nanti. Semoga energinya cukup ya!


Fill this section in the evening to reflect on your day.

πŸ’­ Thoughts from the day

Share anything that stuck in your mind todayβ€”a conversation, a new idea, an observation, or anything else!

Hari ini flow kerjaan lancar jaya. Rasanya kayak pake cheat code gitu, task kelar satu-satu tanpa drama. Mungkin efek bangun pagi kali ya? Who knows!

Namun energi sudah habis di sore harusnya masih bisa lanjut sampai abis isya buat ngerjain progress web personal.

😌 Mindfulness

Share three things you're grateful forβ€”they can be big or small!

  • Bangun pagi dengan kondisi prima

  • Kerjaan lancar, nggak ada drama atau blockir

  • Vibe kerja aman, tidak ada keragu-raguan

Share one thing you're proudβ€”it can be something big or small!

Bangga banget bisa konsisten bangun pagi, bahkan di hari tanpa jadwal lari. It's all about building that habit.

Share one thing you'd like to do differently in the future.

Besok jadwalnya lari pagi. Biar tetep ada 'me time' sebelum mulai kerja.

πŸ’‘ Inspiration

What inspired you today? It can be a quote, a photo, an article, or anything else!

Hari ini kepikiran sama quote, "Consistency is the key to achieving and maintaining momentum." Bener banget deh.

Konsistensi bangun pagi udah mulai ngebawa efek positif ke berbagai aspek. Tinggal dijaga nih, jangan sampe kendor!

Let's crush another day tomorrow! πŸ’ͺ