Daily Journal - 20240815

☀️ AM

Fill this section first thing in the morning to set yourself up for success!

🎯 Goals

What are the top things you want to achieve today?

  1. Gebrak backlog yang ngestuck

  2. Regroup dengan backend dan QA

  3. Coba jadi détective buat nemuin solusi blocker

💚 Feelings

How do you want to feel today? What kind of support do you need from others?

Excited banget buat collab sama tim dan ngejar-ngejar clue buat mecahin blocker. Kayaknya hari ini butuh support yang nggak missed dan otak yang tetep fresh buat brainstorming.

🌟 Expectations

What are you looking forward to most today?

Nggak sabar buat muka lega pas blockernya ke-solve. Terus, penasaran juga bakal ada berapa banyak "Eureka!" moment hari ini.

🌑 PM

Fill this section in the evening to reflect on your day.

💭 Thoughts from the day

Share anything that stuck in your mind today—a conversation, a new idea, an observation, or anything else!

Ketemu blocker yang bikin gregetan. Tapi untungnya, kita punya tim yang solid, responsive BE dan QA.

Pairing sama backend dan komunikasi sama QA bolak-balik kayak main ping pong. Tiap ada temuan baru, langsung di-tackle. Rasanya produktif banget.

😌 Mindfulness

Share three things you're grateful for—they can be big or small!

  • Tim yang super responsive dan mau collab

  • Otak yang masih sanggup nyambung di tengah ribetnya debugging

  • Kudapan yang setia nemenin seharian brainstorming

Share one thing you're proud—it can be something big or small!

Super bangga bisa jadi 'pemecah masalah' hari ini.

Share one thing you'd like to do differently in the future.

Next time, mungkin bisa bikin semacam war room virtual khusus buat nge-tackle blocker. Biar komunikasinya lebih streamlined, nggak nyebar di mana-mana.

💡 Inspiration

What inspired you today? It can be a quote, a photo, an article, or anything else!

Hari ini keinget sama quote, "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Helen Keller. Bener banget! Berkat kolaborasi tim, blocker yang tadinya bikin overwhelm dan overthinking jadi plong dan solved.